Hi! I’m Jenni Simper and I am the creator of The reMethod. 

Since having my little boy and noticing a huge gap in information readily available for women in terms of healing our pelvic floor whilst also wanting to continue to maintain our athleticism, I decided to dedicate my career to closing the gap between pelvic health physical therapy and functional strength training. This has allowed me to successfully help many women become stronger and pain- and problem-free post-baby. As a result, I am currently trusted and recommended by doctors/midwives and pelvic health physios for pre and postnatal training. My goal is to empower you to rediscover your strength by exploring new ways to move and to unlock your body's true potential, no matter what pelvic floor or core issues you are challenged with. This should not ever stop you from achieving your dreams and goals. Our athleticism does not need to stop because we became moms. Women are incredible, winning Olympic medals, and competing on world stages in various sporting events as moms. This is becoming more and more common because times have changed. Advancements in research and education are leading the way for a revolution in women's health and wellness and it is about time we are treated with the respect we deserve. Athleticism will look different for every woman. While some might have the desire to compete in ultra marathons, others might simply want to be able to play a sport they've always loved with friends, return to their fav fitness classes, take part in fun classes spur of the moment at Wellfest without worry, be able to play football with the kids, bounce on a trampoline without peeing or go on family hikes pain-free.

I take a holistic approach to training both mind and body. I intend to remove fear around exercising in both the pre & postnatal periods, particularly those fears surrounding pelvic health issues: diastasis recti, incontinence, and prolapse. The reMethod is the most comprehensive corrective and specialist functional fitness coaching, focusing not only on rehab but also REAL results. Guiding you to confidently lift weights and become the strongest version of yourself, all while reducing symptoms and freeing you from pain so you can live the life you desire.

The word "Re" means to do it again in a new way and for me, it embodies everything I want to create in my coaching and programming for women in this season of life. There is a revolution happening in women's health and wellness and it is about time! We need to be treated the way we deserve in all areas of wellness, health, and medical fields. We are special unique creatures; we are not just mini men and we experience so many unique chapters and seasons in our lives that need special love and attention from people who dedicate themselves to providing the utmost care and education in this field.  It is not about completely redefining health and wellness but about approaching it in a new way with a new understanding. One which is not led by fear mongering or placing unrealistic expectations on women when they are at their most fragile. The approach needs to balance and honor this new modern research and science whilst guiding women back home again to reconnect with their ancestors and the generations of women gone before to tap into our intuition and feminine power. Nothing will ever prepare you for what it feels to bring a soul earth side; no scientific reasoning will ever be able to make sense of a mother’s gut instinct or a woman's intuition. We have lost sight of this along the way with so many modern-day distractions but homing in on this is our superpower.

How WellMum was Born 

Some of you may have previously known me as Jenni TRX, and I was an active member of the Irish fitness industry for over 10 years before immigrating to the states to begin my next chapter with my husband and little boy. I have been a women’s health coach for over 12 years. Over this time, I appeared in magazines & on TV as a fitness expert, collaborated with huge brands, performed at festivals, and even became the first Irish person, and female, to win a World Bodybuilding title (Miss Athletic World). I believed I had seen and done it all when it came to understanding how to train myself and my female clients, but I soon found out this was not the case. There was an entire world still to be discovered when it came to education and knowledge on how to train women, specifically in the area of reproductive health, pregnancy and postpartum and so my life purpose came to me when I least expected it. I have done every style of training under the sun. I have competed at a world level in bodybuilding. I have done powerlifting & strength training. I have taught TRX for over 12 years. I even attempted to become a sprinter at one stage, and I can tell you hands-down tell you I have never felt more powerful and more in control of my body than I do now. I am stronger now than I ever was and that's not from a number on a plate but from the inside out. It’s because I returned home to my body & my foundation, truly learning how my body works and really strengthening my deep core & pelvic floor. I truly believe this is the key to unlocking our health. I always tell everyone the most important thing I will ever teach you is how to breathe. It is the first thing we do, and it is the last thing we do. It is the key component to healing on every level: mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional. 

Those who have continued to follow me for quite a long time have seen me grow, evolve, adapt and change not only in the fitness industry but also in my own personal journey, especially throughout the biggest chapter of my life so far: becoming a mum. I had no idea how much my life would change physically, emotionally and spiritually. I was not prepared for it.


I was very fortunate over my career to perform at WellFest on various occasions, and be a part of the incredible community and spirit that comes from this beautiful gathering of all walks of life wanting to better their lives in a fun and holistic way. Whether it was teaching TRX/Yoga Fusion, or jumping on stage with fearless moves, it was always one of the highlights of my year. The last two years I have watched from afar as the WellFest dates approached with a mix of nostalgia and touch of sadness. It dawned on me last year as I flicked through so many people's Instagram stories enjoying the festival back home, where would the new Jenni fit in if I was to ever do it again. I had just gone through a huge transformative journey myself to figure out who I was postpartum. I had completely lost my identity, the old me was gone, I needed to let her go in order to start my new chapter in life. It got me thinking about if I was to do it again how could my life experience, education and knowledge over the last four years and my passion for women's health, especially when it comes to pelvic floor/pregnancy and postpartum, be represented if I was ever given the opportunity to take part in WellFest again. So with nothing to lose, I contacted the team with a proposal to bring a completely new element to the festival dedicated especially to Moms who attend every year, who may not have access to vital information and education around how to heal and train again in a way that protects, heals and strengthens their entire core system and how important it is to do so, in order to maintain our life long athleticism. And so, WellMum was born.

The further I delved into my education and began working alongside this population, the more I realised just how many women were suffering in silence and have done so for years because of a lack of information, shame, and no one talking openly about this, and how it may be common, but it is NOT normal. Literally every single room of women I have walked into, at least 80% are suffering from one form of pelvic floor dysfunction to a degree, be it incontinence, prolapse, diastasis or pain. For generations, women have been led to believe leaking is just what happens when you have a baby when this is not true, and whilst this may be the butt of a lot of jokes, it comes from a place of sadness, fear, shame and misinformation. We do not have to suffer anymore, and we can heal at any stage of our lives. There is finally research available over the last 3 to 5 years spearheaded by incredible women in their fields on how to train effectively throughout pregnancy and postpartum in a way that helps our bodies not only deal with the physiological effects of growing a human, but also taking into consideration our lifelong, athletic goals. Given how many of the attendees of WellFest  are women and how many of those are moms, we believe it would be an amazing opportunity to provide a safe space for them to go and be educated on how to train effectively throughout all seasons of their lives, and more importantly be educated on their own bodies and how to help themselves heal.

What can you expect from WellMum

I have gathered some of the most incredible experts across areas of female health, specifically in the areas of motherhood, pelvic floor and women’s wellness to bring a new level of education and empowerment to WellFest.  We will have so much education and hands-on practical learning from both me and these incredible women across all the various stages of the festival under the WellMum schedule. I will be teaching pelvic floor & core rehabilitation workshops, as well as how to train and adapt workouts for our pregnant and postpartum (which is forever, remember) bodies at the WellFit stage. 

At the WellMind stage, we have two amazing panels organised across the weekend. Aoife Harvey ( @womenshealthdublin)  I will be holding a talk where we will discuss all things pelvic floor and female reproductive health and how they explore female anatomy. This will be a no holds barred conversation to help break generations of taboo around this subject, and it is our aim to educate women on their own bodies in a fun and engaging way, with a Q&A as well. On the second day, we will have a panel discussion with some well-known faces in the health and wellness space on Maternal Mental, Postpartum and finding yourself again, especially as someone in the fitness industry. I'll be joined by Lee Tracy, co-founder of who is a Postpartum and Matrescence coach; Sinead Mooney of Moons Yoga, who is bringing her expertise in life coaching, meditation, yoga and wellbeing together in a way to serve women and specially mothers deal with this substantial seasonal change; and Yvonne Tchrakian of Pause Penny. She is a motivational speaker, corporate lawyer, Manifestation advocate, mama of 4 littles under 4 who has turned her pain and grief from experiencing several devastating pregnancy losses to helping so many others. 

Finally, at the WellYoga stage we will be bringing two very unique experiences that have never been seen at WellFest before. We will be offering a beginner’s workshop for an incredible healing breathwork technique called Low Pressure Fitness, which will be taught by both myself and Alexa Maureen, who is flying in from Spain, and is one of the Master trainers and Director of LPF UK. LPF is a unique training system centred on postural and breathing exercises which effectively reduce intra-abdominal pressure, offering aesthetic, health and sports performance benefits. However, its most profound effects can be seen with pelvic floor and core health and recovery. I have this dynamic training system in my own daily life and it has made such an incredible impact on my health and well-being. I've also seen such a huge change in my clients’ symptoms, especially incontinence and prolapse from practising this technique. It is based on an ancient yoga practice called Uddiyana Bandha and brings in breathwork re-education, myofascial stretching and neurodynamics, all whilst allowing us to enter the parasympathetic nervous system (something all moms need). The second unique yoga experience will be presented by Sinead Mooney of Moons Yoga. This will be a life-changing empowering session that you can take home and apply to your daily life, from life design, meditation demystifying, recalibration and sprinkles of insight and education in a fun and accessible way. 


Postpartum is forever; it is not a 6-week checkup, or a year it is FOREVER!!!  However, this doesn't mean that we need to suffer from the symptoms that come with being postpartum forever. Our bodies have structurally changed after pregnancy, some temporary and some permanent. There is no going back to before, no "bouncing back." Those words are banned here with me; instead, the only way is forward, and getting to know and respect our new body and we do this by becoming our own body's best friend. We learn adaptability and awareness to help ourselves to not only heal but to get stronger than ever before. We do this through patience, love, kindness, and creating a strategy that works for our own specific body and our body ONLY! I teach the elements of this strategy and then I will teach you how to become your own coach and empower you to have full autonomy over your own healing journey. What we do or don't do in this phase of our postpartum journey can have serious implications on our lifelong athleticism, quality of life, and goals.

It is my intention with WellMum to open up the discussion around female health and how much it has evolved and changed, and I'm so thankful to WellFest to offer up this space for this to happen and be at the forefront as always of fitness, wellness and caring for their attendees. WellMum is for everybody. Pelvic health and core health affects everybody; you don't ever need to be a mum to experience pelvic floor dysfunction. You don't even have to be a female to experience it, and the only way to break generations of taboo is to change this narrative and educate and openly talk about it. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to gaining autonomy over our own bodies again. 

What kickstarted my passion for WELLMUM?

It was here on my own journey that I noticed the lack of reliable information provided on pelvic floor & core health, especially when it came to wanting to continue training throughout my pregnancy and how to return to it in a body I no longer recognized or knew. I was handed some witch hazel pads while leaving the hospital and a list of how to care for my baby, yet not one person spoke to me about my pelvic floor or what to expect emotionally or physically in the early weeks postpartum. I felt so alone and lost. I knew in my gut that at the very least I needed to feel like I was trying to help myself heal in some way; I just didn’t know how, so I did nothing in those early days and whilst that can be absolutely perfect for another person's journey, for me I believe it was a contributor to my postpartum depression. For somebody who has been an athlete for half of their life to go from 100 to absolutely 0 was really hard mentally.


Knowing what I do now, that you actually can start doing small simple things early on to help the healing process, I believe would have helped me so much. That was when I decided I was going to dedicate my career to becoming the coach I wish I had had when I was pregnant.

I've spent the last 5 years diving deep into the world of pelvic floor & core health as well as pre & post-natal coaching. Gaining numerous qualifications & real-life experience with clients in the various areas of this field, I continued to dig a little deeper and it highlighted to me just how much women have not been receiving the care they deserve as they enter this season of their life.

And so, The ReMethod was born, starting organically and slowly gaining momentum to the point where now where I am in a space personally where I can dedicate time and energy to help as many women as I can on a larger scale.

As I mentioned, there is a revolution taking place in the female health and wellness industry, and I am all for it. We need dedicated care and coaching for our various life stages, such as menstruation, motherhood, postpartum, and menopause. Our bodies are continuously adapting and changing, and we need to know how to work with them.

In terms of training, we no longer simply adapt workouts or exercises for a pregnant client. Instead, we need to design programs that help a woman’s body deal with the physiological changes that come with pregnancy, keeping her mobile, strong and pain-free, prepping her for the biggest athletic event of her life whilst also taking into consideration her long-term athletic goals. We now know that we can heal our core and pelvic floor at ANY AGE; it is never too late to start this journey. I have women of all ages and seasons of life - from young new moms, athletes who have never had a baby yet are still experiencing pelvic floor issues, to women who are now grandmothers all successfully regaining their confidence, autonomy over their own bodies and learning to reconnect to their bodies again, or even for the first time on such a deep level that it heals us on every level. Incontinence is the #1 issue that I have witnessed amongst women and whilst it is common it is NOT normal and we should not just be putting up with it. So many women let it hold them back, and I want you to know that doesn’t need to be the case.

It is my hope that the ReMethod becomes a community of love and respect, a safe place without judgement. A place where you can get the information you need to begin the healing process on every level. Being a mum is really hard, and I want to be as transparent as I can in my own journey and struggles so that others know they are not alone. Not once in the entire nine months we are pregnant does someone explain to you that you are about to meet a whole new person when you leave the labor ward, and that person is you!! We are reborn when we become a mom, we literally become a portal through which a soul comes earth-side, this is life changing. Navigating this new reality can be overwhelming so I want to create a virtual village for those who may not have a physical one because I didn’t and honestly that is what saved me when I was at my lowest. Women supporting each other is the most powerful force that the Earth needs; this is our time. Mamas, we are amazing. We need to feel supported, seen, and listened to. Most of all, we need to find our own truth and our own happiness within. 



